15 houses designed for contemporary living in Portugal

A selection of domestic architectures published by Domus to explore the most recent chapters in a story made of a deeper sensitivity to natural and relational landscape.

Throughout the second half of the twentieth century, Portugal has been the epicenter of a research that has soon become a unique reference for contemporary architecture, up to representing a foundation for historian Kenneth Frampton’s highly successful theoretical category of critical regionalism. It is a research made of a deep connection with the local dimension of natural, settlement and, above all, human landscape; of poetics of formal simplicity; and, above all, of a great attention to the domestic dimension of architecture, to the house as the fundamental unit of the built landscape.

From Álvaro Siza to Eduardo Souto de Moura several relevant names have contributed to building a story that today develops day by day in projects of houses and interiors that carry on such legacy by writing new chapters, as much different among themselves as they are from their original references. Among those that Domus has published in recent months, we have chosen 15 examples capable of disclosing this story in all its different aspects.

A house that revolves around the patio

In a residential neighbourhood to the south of Porto, Helder da Rocha Arquitectos has designed a sculptural and minimalist single-family home that stands out vigorously from the surrounding anonymous building context. Read full article here 

A monolithic house set inland

Placed adjacent to one of the city’s most important and busiest thoroughfares, this house designed by Frari – architecture network reconciles the need for shelter from external atmospheric and acoustic congestion with the need to enjoy open space as a natural extension of the domestic environment. Read full article here

An introverted and luminous fortress-house in Portugal