

14 must-see exhibition that are closing soon

This selection of 14 soon-to-close exhibitions around the world might give you some ideas for a last-minute trip.

American terror

The attack on Donald Trump is only the latest in a long history of assaults. Acts of terror have often targeted U.S. presidents and been recounted through art.

Those who left us in 2020

Many personalities who helped building and livening up the post-war cultural world have passed away in this 2020. For each of them, we suggest a project, a book, an exhibition, a website, to transfer a small part of the enormous cultural legacy they left us.

Andrés Jaque

We don’t inhabit environments, we are the environment

We interviewed the Chief Curator of the 13th Shanghai Biennale, entitled “Bodies of Water” who describes Biennale’s as reality-sensing-devices.

French Propaganda

It is election time in France, and the country is overwhelmed with propaganda. The connection between art and power has always been complex, as in the cases of the portrait of Clemenceau painted by Manet and Honoré Daumier’s portrait of Louis Napoleon Bonaparte.