Domus 1039 is entitled “Only we can make the cities”. In his editorial Winy Maas reminds us that cities are made of people and not of concrete, stone and brick, only needed to let people live in proximity. He introduces the work by JR, the artist who pastes huge photographs of people onto buildings and around urban environments, reminding who makes the city. The requalification of the periphery of Medellín, in Colombia, led by the Articulated Life Units, is a social urban planning at the service of the community, and the regeneration plan for the Huangpu riverside makes Shanghai the new cultural metropolis of Asia. The interview with Ekrem İmamoğlu, the new mayor of Istanbul, deals with the sustainability of the city, the traffic congestion and the shortage of affordable housing. In “How should we move?” urban mobilty systems have been compared, showing the maps of transports of Dar es Salaam, Zurich, Los Angeles and Silicon Valley. The challenge of design and architecture professionals: how to employ eco-friendlier materials reducing waste production in the design process, for a world without disposable plastic? The issue of white architecture is discussed in “Worldwhite?”: the different connotations of this architecture from the Partenon to the buildings designed by Le Corbusier, Oscar Niemeyer or Álvaro Siza; the projects by Aires Mateus for the Architecture Faculty in Belgium, and by Alberto Campo Baeza for Casa Cala in Spain. The last page is dedicated to photography: Harpur Hill, from Project Cleansweep, taken by Dara McGrath, represents the quarry, one of many UK sites were chemical weapons were manufactured, tested or stored between WWI and the Cold War. With the magazine, the supplement Atelier interiors. Places of creativity.