Banksy’s new artwork is an invitation to let nature regrow

In London, a new Banksy artwork has appeared, which has restored the foliage to a large tree that had just been pruned.

On Hornsey Road, in Finsbury Park, in the northern area of London, behind a recently pruned tree, on the white wall of a building a few meters away, a green ink foliage has appeared, the new work of Banksy, confirmed by the artist's own Instagram account. At the base of the building's facade, Banksy also stenciled a girl with a pressure sprayer who is observing the tree as if to realize the effect.

For documentary filmmaker James Peak, creator of the BBC Radio 4 series The Banksy Story the message of the work appeared clear from the beginning: “Nature’s struggling and it is up to us to help it grow back”. The mural – created on St. Patrick’s Day – seems to have been made with a pressure tube or a fire extinguisher, quickly painting the large canopy of the tree with the green color of Islington Council road signs.

The cover image is courtesy of Bansky.