

The November 2016 issue of Domus India emphasises the notion that theory cannot be seen merely as applied knowledge within architectural practice; it in fact nourishes the field, builds the larger picture and defines the universe of architecture, extending cultural knowledge into broader realms of cultural practices as well as intellectual histories.

Marking the fifth anniversary of Domus India, the issue reflects upon the means and modes of operation of a magazine, thereby holding up a mirror to the way the subject and the field shape up. It also delves into the complexities of the profession of architecture and the diverse range of practices and projects that have been created by women architects across India. Through detailed excerpts from various recently published books, the issue looks at publications as a rich and deep excavation into the life of ideas and objects that shape culture and are processed through the travels of culture. For histories and theories to be discussed, archives and monographs are necessary material on the working table to be tested, analysed, and re-crafted through writing.

Domus India, November 2016, cover