Obey’s Shepard Fairey has completed his first mural in Milan

On the occasion of the monographic exhibition in Milan, the American artist completed an 11-storey mural in the Gallaratese district, famous for the complex designed by Aymonino and Rossi.

For the first time in Italy, street artist Shepard Fairey, known as Obey, has created a huge mural in the Gallaratese district of Milan.

On a residential wall in the district known for the architectural projects of Carlo Aymonino and Aldo Rossi, “Tear Flame Peace” spans 400 square meters and is a hymn to universal peace. The word “Peace” stands out in large letters at the top of the building, while the face of a woman wearing a hijab, the traditional Islamic veil, sheds a large tear containing a dove and a flame, representing the weight of current conflicts in the world, with colors reminiscent of the Russian and Ukrainian flags, blended with a pattern that evokes the Arab world. Lower down appears the iconic OBEY THE GIANT logo.

The artwork is part of a series of 6 huge murals, all created by internationally renowned artists: JDL, Nabla & Zibe, Medjaneras, Btoy, and Leticia Mandragora have painted the walls of the area as part of Manifestival, an Urban Art project by the Arrigo and Pia Pini Foundation, for a multicultural artistic journey.

“Representing turbulent times, the message of peace is filled with both sadness and hope, and the flame has a dual meaning depending on the viewer and could represent a spark of inspiration and hopeful rebellion, as well as a warning of global warming or Earth's destruction,” explains OBEY.

The mural is not the only contribution by the artist visible these days in Milan: until October 27 at the Fabbrica del Vapore, an exhibition titled “OBEY: The Art of Shepard Fairey” can be visited, which retraces his career with iconic works such as the Hope poster, created for Barack Obama’s presidential campaign in 2008.

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