How are we gonna move around on the Moon and Mars when Nasa’s and Elon Musk’s expedition will have established new space colonies? Why with a motorbike, of course! That’s at least the futuristic and appealing idea of two different designers, who came up with two concepts designs for two promising versions of a space-bike. 
Andrew Fabishevskiy’s electric “LMV v1” bike is designed to be lightweight and easy to be transported as payload on a future Lunar mission. The all-terrain wheels with pivoting suspensions would make it easier to drive around the Moon’s uneven terrain, while mylar foil protects the battery compartment and other components.  Simon Grytten’s Mars rover-bike, instead, is not just a “simple” space cafe-racer: when plugged into its base station, the bike lifts up to use one of the wheels as a wind turbine, taking advantage of the many storms happening on the Red Planet’s surface.