A list of the world’s smartest and sustainable cities

The study “Cities of the Future” / 2021 Smart City Index by EasyPark Group reveals the cities in which technology is particularly used to improve sustainability and citizens’ quality of life. London and Copenaghen on top.

To conduct the search – promoted by smart mobility group EasyPark in its annual Smart City Index – four different aspects have been considered: citizen’s and cities’ digital life, with high level technological educational structures, digital heath systems and use of technologies in the administrations; mobility innovation, with new parking solutions, traffic management and transport environmental sustainability; IT infrastructure, as for example the possibility of card payments; and last but not least the environmental impact, considering the data about waste management, green building and use of renewable energy.

2021 Smart City Index by EasyPark Group. In this picture Copenhagen. Photo courtesy EasyPark

London is highest ranked for what concerned metropolitan areas of 3 over millions inhabitants. Follow New York, San Francisco and Singapore. Berlin is first European city in this list, al fifth place, then Rotterdam. Milano is in 37th place, after Detroit. This section is dominated by the big cities of the United States.

For what concernes metropolitan area between 600,000 and 3 millions inhabitants in the first place there is Copenhagen, and in 50th, the last one, Bologna. In general, the best cities on a smaller scale – including Lund – seems to be in Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland, follows Germany, Uk and Netherlands. Between Mediterranean country stands out Spain, with a few appearance of Italy and France.

  • 2021 Smart City Index, Copenhagen, photo courtesy EasyPark