Best of #Photoessay

From Paris’ rooftops to Singapore’s brothels, from the bicycle in Beijing to the street chairs at Cairo: short journey around the world through the eyes of ten photographers.

Ten photographers tell ten stories in as many places around the world, different and far between: discover what we chose for the Best of #Photoessay.

– In Brasilia Superquadra Francesco Marini looks at the Brasilia’s residential areas where the space is methodically proportionate to the human figure. In this space the local population has grown accustomed to an ideal lifestyle in relationship with wide public spaces and nature.

Singaporean Brothels is part of a broader work by photographer Nguan dedicated to unveil the city’s real soul, challenging the conventional narrative of modern Singapore as a spotless but soulless nation.

– In Paris Abstract, Michael Wolf explores the urban landscape, fascinated with density and life in cities. Formal in nature, Paris Abstract lyrically expresses both the architectural complexity and density of the Parisian landscape.

Zelfbouw, “self-build” in Dutch, is a current planning trend in The Netherlands responding to the financial and real estate crises. Photographer Sonia Mangiapane visited a number of these new suburbs across the country to capture their personalities and peculiarities.

– With 500 Millon the Argentine photographer Leonardo Ponis explores the landscape of the Sierra Chica de Zonda, redefined by human intervention after being wild and untouched for more than 500 million years.

– Following the boom and bust history of the Nevada, with Las Vegas / Black Mountain Michael Light’s photographs terrifyingly and poignantly show the extraction and habitation industries as two sides of the same coin.

– The photographic series Bicycles in Beijing, Now by photographer Xiaomeng Zhao shows the decadence of bicycles as the principal mode of transportation in China; streets are now domain of cars and bicycles are a sign of the socially vulnerable groups.

Inventory of Via Emilia shows the “incongruous works” – mobile, light, heavy, productive and natural – that emerge from the photographic journey of Barbara Rossi along the great Roman artery that connect Rimini and Milan.

– In Tampico, the green trees protruding from the roof or windows of the huge old office and industrial buildings abandoned for decades add an extra dimension to Kurt Hollander’s work, revealing one possible (dystopian) future for all architecture.

– Manar Moursi and David Puig Sidewalk Salon: 1001 Street Chairs of Cairo is a photographic survey on the creative practices of design in the public space in Egypt’s capital.

Top: Michael Light, Las Vegas / Black Mountain