Hors Pistes

On the occasion of D’days, the Musée des Arts Décoratifs hosts in Paris an exhibition about Ouagadougou and Banfora Hors Pistes’ workshops, in Burkina Faso.

For the first time, a selection of projects from both Hors Pistes’ workshop, Ouagadougou and Banfora in Burkina Faso, will be exhibited.

The show will blend objects, photography and video, allowing the visitor to understand the environment that nurtured the creation process.

Left: Lola Mercier with Awa Sirima, Awa. Right: Laurence Stoffel with Tessemé Soma, Belebeleba

Hors Pistes is about exploration. Drawing lines between the making and the cultures, looking all around the world for rare gems mixing design and handicraft. Hors Pistes investigates know-how and breaks down the borders between the otherwise partitioned approaches. Hors Pistes orchestrates workshops, thinks we can be a dozen in a duet, likes to act autonomously and produces multiple nationality objects. Hors Pistes meets, creates and edits projects

<b>Left</b>: Antoine Boudin with Maïmouna Traoré, Maïmouna/Maïmouno. <b>Right</b>: Antoine Boudin with Adja Tou, Mangoro sun jukoro
<b>Left</b>: Annie Sibert with Akama, Brassée. <b>Right</b>: Lola Mercier with Akama, Couteaux de lune
<b>Left</b>: Antoine Boudin with Awa Souratié and Adja Tou, Doloco. <b>Right</b>: Béatrice Durandard with Sita Koné, Hilou Nougué and Sita Sanyan, Les empocheurs
<b>Left</b>: Antoine Boudin with Akama, Imi ténéré. <b>Right</b>: Béatrice Durandard with Akama and Fatima, Les coiffeuses
<b>Left</b>: Annie Sibert, Montoro. <b>Right</b>: Annie Sibert with Akama, Pas à pas
<b>Left</b>: Lola Mercier with Sita Koné, Massara Ouattara and Mariam Sontié, Sinsi. <b>Right</b>: est révélée par les vides qui découlent de leur procédé de fabrication. Micael Filipe with Zélé Ouattara, Fanitta Sontié and Natogoma Traoré, Tables