À toutes les sauces

During International Biennale of Saint-Etienne 16 design studios revisit cooking’s world and propose a new reading through their points of view and their different sensibilities.

“À Toutes Les Sauces” is a design exhibition which proposes to transform a display window into an exhibition where prototypes are presented, during the event of the International Biennale of Saint-Etienne.

16 studios and designers revisit cooking’s world and offer a new interpretation, free and eclectic, to the preparation utensils and table objects.

“À Toutes Les Sauces”, exhibition view

As a specialized store, this place becomes a perfect area to fantasize kitchen’s codes. Shops are little worlds, curio cabinets, where we can find practical objects, useful and fascinating, which feed our imagination. The passerby is immersed into this world and he is invited to discover the proposals.

This exhibition explores the diversity of objects typologies, for preparation, presentation and tasting, and proposes a new reading through the designers points of view and their different sensibilities. The recent enthusiasm around cooking gives a new interest to the table’s world. Useful items, discreet and speaking for themselves are part of everyday life. It seems interesting today to re-interrogate these cookware and give them a plastic and sculptural dimension. This show opens a window to new objects which highlight the shape, the color and the function, but also, the material, dreamlike and poetic qualities.

“À Toutes Les Sauces”, exhibition view
Atelier Bl119, Couverts De Service Sauge
<b>Left</b>: Jean-Charles Amey, Support Mural Pour Casseroles Ph1. <b>Right</b>: François Bauchet, Service D’assiettes
<b>Left</b>: Eric Blondin, Passoire Romanesco. <b>Right</b>: Studio Brichetziegler, Nécessaire À Légumes Am, Stram, Gram
<b>Left</b>: Sébastien Cordoléani, Élémentaires. <b>Right</b>: Elise Gabriel, Rafraîchissoirs Capitons
<b>Left</b>: Ionna Vautrin, Torchons Nuée. <b>Right</b>: Éric Jourdan, Plateau De Présentation

until April 14, 2015
À Toutes Les Sauces
Guest designers: Jean-Charles Amey, François Bauchet, Perrine Vigneron & Gilles Belley, Atelier BL119, Eric Blondin, Emilie Colin Garros & Ramírez I Carrillo, Sébastien Cordoléani, Guillaume Delvigne, Jean-Baptiste Fastrez, Elise Gabriel, Benjamin Graindorge, Éric Jourdan, Michael Radix, Studio BrichetZiegler, V8, Ionna Vautrin
Designed by Grégory Blain, Hervé Dixneuf, Caroline Ziegler and Pierre Brichet
Hôtel de Ville
2 rue Gérentet, Saint-Etienne