From territory to dweller: the prototype of a “portico-home” in Mexico

The architectural firm Rozana Montiel has redesigned the traditional mexican house in the state of Morelos, providing it with large semi-open and covered spaces that can adapt to the needs of its inhabitants.

A structure made of bamboo poles grafted onto a concrete podium that raises it from the ground supports a large double pitch sloping roof.
Two closed rooms sheltered under the cover and used as bedroom and a bathroom, serve as a floor for the upper level.

Thanks to a clear structural and compositional scheme solved with craftsmanship, the prototype house for the municipality of Xochitepec in the state of Morelos – designed by the Architectural Firm Rozana Montiel that recently won the Global Award for Sustainable Architecture 2019 – acquires quality and significance.

By raising and bending the roof, the house is equipped with a higher level than the local type of home and with large semi-open spaces, flexible in their use, that surrounded by fruit trees and vegetation become the focus of the social life of the community.

Rozana Montiel estudio de Arquitectura, Dal territorio all'abitante, Xochitepec, stato di Morelos, Messico, 2018
Rozana Montiel estudio de Arquitectura, From Territory to Dweller, Xochitepec, stato di Morelos, Messico, 2018

The large roof that protects the house from the sun and rain, is made of recycled poly-aluminium sheets that do not absorb heat, while the rooms are walled up with bamboo panels plastered on the outside and with doors and windows made of woven bamboo wood.

From Territory to Dweller
House prototype
Xochitepec, State of Morelos, Mexico
Rozana Montiel estudio de Arquitectura
Design team:
Ombeline De Laage, Amaury Villegas, Cristobal Pliego
In collaboration with:

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