

Domus India 042, August 2015
Domus India August issue brings the first episode of the two-part memorial feature on Charles Correa, looking at a set of possible vantage positions to view his work, and only beginning to reflect on what that body of work could mean to generations of architects and our sense of contemporary culture as far as architecture is concerned.
We also feature another senior practice, M/s Prabhakar B Bhagwat, a second-generation practice experimenting with the discursive space for architecture — through its own example of opening up for reviewing the processes and thoughts within their studio through a lecture-exhibition format. Also, we bring a detailed documentation of a recent project of great magnitude, and one that could be very influential — the imagination of the new international airport at Mumbai as a “new museum” — Jaye He.
Domus India 042, August 2015, cover
Domus India 042, August 2015, cover

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