Una nuova vitalità per residenti âgée a Cheltenham

Un complesso residenziale per persone in età matura nel centro storico di Cheltenham, Regno Unito, offre l’intimità di un rifugio accogliente e protetto senza rinunciare alla socialità e dell’aggregazione.

Proctor and Matthews Architects, Latheram House, Cheltenham, Regno Unito 2020.

Foto: Tim Crocker and Proctor and Matthews Architects

Proctor and Matthews Architects, Latheram House, Cheltenham, Regno Unito 2020.

Foto: Tim Crocker and Proctor and Matthews Architects

Proctor and Matthews Architects, Latheram House, Cheltenham, Regno Unito 2020.

Foto: Tim Crocker and Proctor and Matthews Architects

Proctor and Matthews Architects, Latheram House, Cheltenham, Regno Unito 2020.

Foto: Tim Crocker and Proctor and Matthews Architects

Proctor and Matthews Architects, Latheram House, Cheltenham, Regno Unito 2020.

Foto: Tim Crocker and Proctor and Matthews Architects

Proctor and Matthews Architects, Latheram House, Cheltenham, Regno Unito 2020.

Foto: Tim Crocker and Proctor and Matthews Architects

Proctor and Matthews Architects, Latheram House, Cheltenham, Regno Unito 2020.

Foto: Tim Crocker and Proctor and Matthews Architects

Proctor and Matthews Architects, Latheram House, Cheltenham, Regno Unito 2020.

Foto: Tim Crocker and Proctor and Matthews Architects

Proctor and Matthews Architects, Latheram House, Cheltenham, Regno Unito 2020.

Foto: Tim Crocker and Proctor and Matthews Architects

Proctor and Matthews Architects, Latheram House, Cheltenham, Regno Unito 2020.

Foto: Tim Crocker and Proctor and Matthews Architects

Proctor and Matthews Architects, Latheram House, Cheltenham, Regno Unito 2020.

Foto: Tim Crocker and Proctor and Matthews Architects

Proctor and Matthews Architects, Latheram House, Cheltenham, Regno Unito 2020.

Foto: Tim Crocker and Proctor and Matthews Architects

Proctor and Matthews Architects, Latheram House, Cheltenham, Regno Unito 2020.

Foto: Tim Crocker and Proctor and Matthews Architects

Proctor and Matthews Architects, Latheram House, Cheltenham, Regno Unito 2020.

Foto: Tim Crocker and Proctor and Matthews Architects

Proctor and Matthews Architects, Latheram House, Cheltenham, Regno Unito 2020.

Foto: Tim Crocker and Proctor and Matthews Architects

Proctor and Matthews Architects, Latheram House, Cheltenham, Regno Unito 2020.

Foto: Tim Crocker and Proctor and Matthews Architects

Proctor and Matthews Architects, Latheram House, Cheltenham, Regno Unito 2020.

Foto: Tim Crocker and Proctor and Matthews Architects

Proctor and Matthews Architects, Latheram House, Cheltenham, Regno Unito 2020.

Foto: Tim Crocker and Proctor and Matthews Architects

Proctor and Matthews Architects, Latheram House, Cheltenham, Regno Unito 2020.

Foto: Tim Crocker and Proctor and Matthews Architects

Proctor and Matthews Architects, Latheram House, Cheltenham, Regno Unito 2020.

Foto: Tim Crocker and Proctor and Matthews Architects

Proctor and Matthews Architects, Latheram House, Cheltenham, Regno Unito 2020.

Foto: Tim Crocker and Proctor and Matthews Architects

Proctor and Matthews Architects, Latheram House, Cheltenham, Regno Unito 2020.

Foto: Tim Crocker and Proctor and Matthews Architects

Proctor and Matthews Architects, Latheram House, Cheltenham, Regno Unito 2020.

Foto: Tim Crocker and Proctor and Matthews Architects

Proctor and Matthews Architects, Latheram House, Cheltenham, Regno Unito 2020.

Foto: Tim Crocker and Proctor and Matthews Architects

Proctor and Matthews Architects, Latheram House, Cheltenham, Regno Unito 2020.

Foto: Tim Crocker and Proctor and Matthews Architects

Proctor and Matthews Architects, Latheram House, Cheltenham, Regno Unito 2020.

Foto: Tim Crocker and Proctor and Matthews Architects

Proctor and Matthews, Latheram House, Cheltenham, Regno Unito 2020 concept di progetto

Foto: Tim Crocker and Proctor and Matthews Architects

Proctor and Matthews, Latheram House, Cheltenham, Regno Unito 2020 piano terra

Foto: Tim Crocker and Proctor and Matthews Architects

Proctor and Matthews, Latheram House, Cheltenham, Regno Unito 2020 piano primo

Foto: Tim Crocker and Proctor and Matthews Architects

Proctor and Matthews, Latheram House, Cheltenham, Regno Unito 2020 prospetto sulla corte interna

Foto: Tim Crocker and Proctor and Matthews Architects

"No country for old men" recitava il titolo di un film dei fratelli Coen. Eppure a Cheltenham il recente intervento residenziale dello studio londinese Proctor&Matthews, ideato per accogliere una comunità "matura", fa riscoprire proprio agli anziani il piacere irrinunciabile del confort abitativo e il valore della vita comunitaria.

L'intervento, concepito come un'operazione di rigenerazione urbana per sanare una parte degradata della città, è ispirato al contesto e alle sue caratteristiche tipologiche e si inserisce con un'impronta delicata rispetto al limitrofo centro cittadino a cui si collega tramite una nuova arteria connettiva pubblica. 

Proctor and Matthews Architects, Latheram House, Cheltenham, 2020. Foto: Proctor and Matthews Architects

Attorno all’asse distributivo si articolano i fabbricati a blocco a sei piani che ospitano 68 appartamenti e 36 posti auto interrati. L’impianto planimetrico disegna una sequenza di spazi pubblici aperti alla città nelle ore diurne - cortili, giardini a verde, lo spazio centrale con lo specchio d'acqua - che offrono ad abitanti e cittadini la possibilità di godere di piacevoli luoghi per la sosta e la relazione e favoriscono una migliore permeabilità e integrazione del comparto rispetto alla città.

Proctor and Matthews Architects, Latheram House, Cheltenham, 2020. Foto: Proctor and Matthews Architects

Gli alloggi, che ospitano da una a tre camere da letto, privi di barriere architettoniche, sono flessibili e dotati di una buona illuminazione naturale; i balconi sporgenti affacciati sulle corti centrali generano un animato dinamismo di prospetto. I materiali costruttivi rimandano, nelle cromie e nelle texture, al circostante paesaggio storicizzato: il fronte urbano è caratterizzato da mattoni rossi, intonaco bianco, gelosie in laterizio mentre sui fronti interni porzioni di facciata, balconi e recinzioni sono rivestiti in legno per caratterizzare con toni caldi le superfici più private. Il progetto ha due anime che si fondono con equilibrio: quella dell’intimità di un rifugio protetto da un lato e quella della socialità e dell’aggregazione dall’altro, valori altrettanto indispensabili soprattutto nella stagione più fragile della vita.

  • Latheram House
  • Cheltenham, Regno Unito
  • 2020
  • 7.660 mq
  • Housing Design Awards Shortlist, 2021
  • Lifestory
  • Gr8 Space
  • Barton Willmore
  • Hydrock
  • Hydrock
  • Hydrock
  • Engineering Services Consultancy
  • WSP
  • Donald Insall Associates
  • Instinctif
  • Mace Group
Proctor and Matthews Architects, Latheram House, Cheltenham, Regno Unito 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker and Proctor and Matthews Architects

Proctor and Matthews Architects, Latheram House, Cheltenham, Regno Unito 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker and Proctor and Matthews Architects

Proctor and Matthews Architects, Latheram House, Cheltenham, Regno Unito 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker and Proctor and Matthews Architects

Proctor and Matthews Architects, Latheram House, Cheltenham, Regno Unito 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker and Proctor and Matthews Architects

Proctor and Matthews Architects, Latheram House, Cheltenham, Regno Unito 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker and Proctor and Matthews Architects

Proctor and Matthews Architects, Latheram House, Cheltenham, Regno Unito 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker and Proctor and Matthews Architects

Proctor and Matthews Architects, Latheram House, Cheltenham, Regno Unito 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker and Proctor and Matthews Architects

Proctor and Matthews Architects, Latheram House, Cheltenham, Regno Unito 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker and Proctor and Matthews Architects

Proctor and Matthews Architects, Latheram House, Cheltenham, Regno Unito 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker and Proctor and Matthews Architects

Proctor and Matthews Architects, Latheram House, Cheltenham, Regno Unito 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker and Proctor and Matthews Architects

Proctor and Matthews Architects, Latheram House, Cheltenham, Regno Unito 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker and Proctor and Matthews Architects

Proctor and Matthews Architects, Latheram House, Cheltenham, Regno Unito 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker and Proctor and Matthews Architects

Proctor and Matthews Architects, Latheram House, Cheltenham, Regno Unito 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker and Proctor and Matthews Architects

Proctor and Matthews Architects, Latheram House, Cheltenham, Regno Unito 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker and Proctor and Matthews Architects

Proctor and Matthews Architects, Latheram House, Cheltenham, Regno Unito 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker and Proctor and Matthews Architects

Proctor and Matthews Architects, Latheram House, Cheltenham, Regno Unito 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker and Proctor and Matthews Architects

Proctor and Matthews Architects, Latheram House, Cheltenham, Regno Unito 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker and Proctor and Matthews Architects

Proctor and Matthews Architects, Latheram House, Cheltenham, Regno Unito 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker and Proctor and Matthews Architects

Proctor and Matthews Architects, Latheram House, Cheltenham, Regno Unito 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker and Proctor and Matthews Architects

Proctor and Matthews Architects, Latheram House, Cheltenham, Regno Unito 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker and Proctor and Matthews Architects

Proctor and Matthews Architects, Latheram House, Cheltenham, Regno Unito 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker and Proctor and Matthews Architects

Proctor and Matthews Architects, Latheram House, Cheltenham, Regno Unito 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker and Proctor and Matthews Architects

Proctor and Matthews Architects, Latheram House, Cheltenham, Regno Unito 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker and Proctor and Matthews Architects

Proctor and Matthews Architects, Latheram House, Cheltenham, Regno Unito 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker and Proctor and Matthews Architects

Proctor and Matthews Architects, Latheram House, Cheltenham, Regno Unito 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker and Proctor and Matthews Architects

Proctor and Matthews Architects, Latheram House, Cheltenham, Regno Unito 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker and Proctor and Matthews Architects

Proctor and Matthews, Latheram House, Cheltenham, Regno Unito 2020 Foto: Tim Crocker and Proctor and Matthews Architects

concept di progetto

Proctor and Matthews, Latheram House, Cheltenham, Regno Unito 2020 Foto: Tim Crocker and Proctor and Matthews Architects

piano terra

Proctor and Matthews, Latheram House, Cheltenham, Regno Unito 2020 Foto: Tim Crocker and Proctor and Matthews Architects

piano primo

Proctor and Matthews, Latheram House, Cheltenham, Regno Unito 2020 Foto: Tim Crocker and Proctor and Matthews Architects

prospetto sulla corte interna