Four sustainable “cabanes” in the gardens of Villa Medici, in Rome

The gardens will host throughout the summer four wooden pavilions, revisiting the concept of ​​the hut as a poetic and convivial place, a crossroads of different cultures and disciplines.

Pavillon ça joue ! Villa Medici, Rome, Italy. Image courtesy of DREAM.

Pavillon ça joue ! Villa Medici, Rome, Italy. Image courtesy of DREAM.

Pavillon ça joue ! Villa Medici, Rome, Italy. Image courtesy of DREAM.

Sous le pin. Villa Medici, Rome, Italy. Image courtesy of KOZ.

Sous le pin. Villa Medici, Rome, Italy. Image courtesy of KOZ.

protoCAMPO. Villa Medici, Rome, Italy. Image courtesy of WALD.

protoCAMPO. Villa Medici, Rome, Italy. Image courtesy of WALD.

In Rome, the gardens of Villa Medici – whose design was developed by Ferdinando de’ Medici at the end of the 16th century – will host four sustainable architectural pavilions until 2 October. The four huts were designed for the Festival des Cabanes by the French architectural firms DREAM, KOZ, and WALD, and by a group of students of the Masters in Political Arts (SPEAP) of Sciences Po and the École des Arts Décoratifs, founded by philosopher and sociologist Bruno Latour.

Exposed outdoors for five months, within a visual setting designed by the Italian collective of orizzontale architects, these light wooden structures offer visitors a renewed experience of the villa’s gardens. The idea behind these temporary projects is to embrace the poetic and convivial dimension of the hut as a hospitable place and crossroads of different cultures and disciplines.

In particular: the pavilion of DREAM studio is called Pavillon ça joue! and with its spiral structure, studded with basketball baskets at different heights and soccer goals, it wants to celebrate the game in all its forms. The regulatory format of the playgrounds is here deconstructed to the advantage of a curved space that encourages a free and creative appropriation of the environment by visitors.

KOZ, on the other hand, has gathered under a pine tree memories of improvised but wise constructions. Sous le pin is a suspended gallery, from which it is possible to contemplate the flowery meadow, roofs, and domes. A rough shelter in which to temporarily shelter in the shade, surrounded by plants.

Pavillon ça joue ! Villa Medici, Rome, Italy.

Image courtesy of DREAM.

Pavillon ça joue ! Villa Medici, Rome, Italy.

Image courtesy of DREAM.

Pavillon ça joue ! Villa Medici, Rome, Italy.

Image courtesy of DREAM.

Sous le pin. Villa Medici, Rome, Italy.

Image courtesy of KOZ.

Sous le pin. Villa Medici, Rome, Italy.

Image courtesy of KOZ.

protoCAMPO. Villa Medici, Rome, Italy.

Image courtesy of WALD.

protoCAMPO. Villa Medici, Rome, Italy.

Image courtesy of WALD.