Reason and emotion, logic and sentiment are the main issues covered in Domus 1022, March 2018. Rationality and emotion constitute the binary language of human behaviour and enable us to understand, react, learn and progress. They do not exist on their own and will never be able to operate independently. They may become unbalanced, confront each other, fight each other violently, but they will never be able to elude or eliminate each other. A human’s strength lies in controlling the emotional sphere with rationality and the rational sphere with emotionality.

Teschen Table


In his third editorial, director Michele De Lucchi writes about objects and our desire for inhabiting them. Our focus on offices features projects by Foster+Partners, SelgasCano and AB Chvoya; in SANNA's latest building even the most solid materials become delicate and rarefied; with an exhibition-sculptur, Adrian Villar Rojas completes his extensive research into the nature of institutional space and the meaning
of the artwork.
Among the many colums: “Portfolio” features Andrea Branzi’s plexiglas works, made from 2003 to today; “TV Series” is a column about the psychological and spatial effects of television series; in “Meterology”, Philippe Rahm asks “is climate the real value of public space?”. This month’s Rassegna is about Comfort and Wellness.