The three instalments, curated by Maria Cristina Didero, become places for reflecting on issues that correspond to so many obsessions of contemporary culture. Themes identified through careful and critical observation of the modes of living in ourselves, in others, and in our homes and possessions. The first installation was bound up with the excessive cult of the body, hence the increasingly stereotyped idea of beauty today. From the body we pass with “No Sex” to the fundamental element of Freudian psychology, in which sex lies at the centre of all our thoughts. From this observation Atelier Biagetti seeks to imagine how the theme can be fulfilled in a playful and surreal staging extending from negation to erotic allusion.
For Laura Baldassarri and Alberto Biagetti, design becomes an instrument for emotional engagement. It loses its twentieth-century configuration defined in the balance between form and function, and becomes an aesthetic, poetic, emotional place in which to establish spatial, physical and social relations. An approach that builds on the radical design of the '80s and now, as then, is critical of what is produced by industry.
We perceive the urge to overturn the concept of “hyper-beauty”, to which we have subjected design objects because of our computerised and digital indulgences, with the idea of restoring dignity to tactile materiality and the sensorial perception of objects. The same care is lavished on both idea and execution, combining an artistic, creative and conceptual approach with an obsessive tendency towards the construction and fulfilment of the work.
3–9 April 2017
curated by Maria Cristina Didero
Atelier Biagetti
Piazza Arcole, 4 Milan