Stillness in Motion

On display at SFMoMA, Tomás Saraceno conceived an immersive site-specific cloudscape installation of suspended tension structures and floating sculptures.

The San Francisco Museum of Modern Art presens the exhibition “Tomás Saraceno: Stillness in Motion — Cloud Cities”. The exhibition includes an immersive site-specific cloudscape installation of suspended tension structures and floating sculptures, as well as explorations of the intricate constructions of spider webs.

Top: Tomás Saraceno: Stillness in Motion—Cloud Cities, installation view at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, 2016. Photo: Katherine Du Tiel. Above: Tomás Saraceno: Stillness in Motion—Cloud Cities, installation view at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, 2016. Photo: © Studio Tomás Saraceno

“Stillness in Motion — Cloud Cities” is part of Tomás Saraceno’s larger, long-term project titled Aerocene, the artist’s vision for a future era in which humanity minimizes the impact on the planet’s fossil-fuel resources, and instead resides in collective airborne cities.

Tomás Saraceno: Stillness in Motion—Cloud Cities, installation view at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, 2016. Photo: © Studio Tomás Saraceno

In the exhibition, visitors will be encouraged to wind their way through and below a geometrically complex array of cords and reflective panels, forming a cloud of 10,000 nodes suspended in the air by tension and connected to the gallery walls, floor and ceiling. This site-specific work is inspired by multiple phenomena and structures, including the social construction of spider webs, stellar and atmospheric clouds, bubble and foam geometry and social and neural communication networks.

Tomás Saraceno: Stillness in Motion—Cloud Cities, installation view at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, 2016. Photo: © Studio Tomás Saraceno