London Architecture Fest

Celebrating London as a global hub of architectural experimentation, practice and debate, the London Festival of Architecture 2016 will host a month of special events.

The London Festival of Architecture 2016 starts today celebrating London as a global hub of architectural experimentation, practice and debate. Taking place until the 30th of June, the annual festival provokes questions about the contemporary and future life of the city, and promotes positive change to its public realm. 

Top: London Festival of Architecture 2016, Archio Plantotype Workshop. Above: The House, photo Iain Lanyon

Among the events presented there will be an interactive urban gardening installation by The Edible Bus Stop at The Building Centre, Store Street; a conference named “Architecture – You Ask the Questions”, hosted by the Royal Academy where people can investigate on architectural practices.  The Architecture Foundation organizes “Papers”: a one day festival of refugee culture and design at the Barbican, while over 50 practices across London will open their doors to the public. At the BFI visitors will be able to see  “Architecture on Screen”, a series of screenings telling the story of the built environment’s portrayal through TV documentary. 

London Architecture Festival 2016, Olivier Grossetete, The people's tower

The Newport Street Gallery presents a tour of Damien Hirst’s gallery, housing 3,000 pieces of the artist’s work, while the “Open Garden Estates: Architects for Social Housing” tours around some of the beautiful green spaces and private gardens at the heart of many London council estates.

London Architecture Festival 2016, <i>Breaking down walls</i>
London Architecture Festival 2016, Making Siobhan Davies Studios. Photo Euan Robinson
London Architecture Festival 2016, Place, <i>Ladywell</i>