Raw Color / 117

The Feeds per Minute project uses awareness of the quantity of good and bad news – visualised with objects, colours and images – as a tool for achieving a happier future.

"In a minute many things can happen. The continuous newsfeed makes us think about the notion of time. This has enabled us to produce a new aesthetic view of a minute, an hour, a day."

Christoph Brach, from Raw Color, explains in this way the concept developed in collaboration with Mark Brand and Remon van den Eijnden for the exhibition “Happy Future” by Dutch Invertuals, that seeks to make visible and tangible the vast flow of information and data that submerges us each day, a flow that contributes to forming our social awareness. Who decides what is important and what is futile? What remains in the air and what disappears out of this enormous quantity of news?

Raw Colour, Feeds per Minute, Dutch Invertuals

These are the questions behind the project and have become tangible thanks to a colour classification (red for good news, blue for bad) and collection in blocks divided into time periods. Through the visualisation of data, the fleeting moment of a digital event can be maintained and preserved; connected to a certain period of time, placed in relation to a colour, filtered by emotions. Algorithms determine the appearance of the headline and allocate the news item with a colour. The visual output of Feed per Minute creates a new concept of time measured in events and archived both digitally and analogically.

Raw Colour, Feeds per Minute, Dutch Invertuals
Raw Colour, Feeds per Minute, Dutch Invertuals
Raw Colour, Feeds per Minute, Dutch Invertuals
Raw Colour, Feeds per Minute, Dutch Invertuals
Left: Raw Colour, Feeds per Minute, Dutch Invertuals. Right: entrance of the exhibition