The Associazione Saman was born during the 1980s in Lenzi, in the province of Trapani, to address problems of drug addiction through a secular and eclectic approach and the use of "soft" therapies. Today it is one of the leading centres in Italy facing these issues with a dense network of local projects and therapeutic communities located in nine Italian regions.

At the SHOP Saman concept store during the 2012 Fuorisalone, a collection of pottery made by young people from the Villa Cilla community was presented, along with the work of other artists and designers from different professional backgrounds. The Pastel and Ubu-Stripes collections are ceramic objects created for the table. The work was supervised and coordinated by instructor Maria Cristina Sintoni, who held a workshop at the community under Susanna Brandolino's artistic direction. The beauty of these completely handmade products is based on soft and imperfect forms that reflect the studies by young people who are not yet professionals. During the year of work, the designers studied how to make the objects and reproduce them serially in the laboratory.

Also exhibited at the Saman store: a collection of ceramic tiles "Tiles Design" by different artists produced by Senio — Alta ceramica Faentina who supported the project.

SHOP Saman
Via Galvano Fiamma, 5