
Designed by Architectenbureau Cepezed a new bridge in Utrecht functions more as a high-quality continuation of the urban space than a specifically infrastructural object.

The design is focused on presence, efficiency and functionality. The bridge is characterized by a lay-out in a single clear, open gesture with a high degree of recognizability and a natural presence. The concept consists of an elongated, raised esplanade with a high level of user appeal and ambiance, achieved through aspects such as form, materialization and detailing and the integration of an avenue of trees into the design.

Architectenbureau Cepezed, Moreelsebrug, Utrecht, 2016
Architectenbureau Cepezed, Moreelsebrug, Utrecht, 2016
Architectenbureau Cepezed, Moreelsebrug, Utrecht, 2016
Architectenbureau Cepezed, Moreelsebrug, Utrecht, 2016
Architectenbureau Cepezed, Moreelsebrug, Utrecht, 2016
Architectenbureau Cepezed, Moreelsebrug, Utrecht, 2016
Architectenbureau Cepezed, Moreelsebrug, Utrecht, 2016
Architectenbureau Cepezed, Moreelsebrug, site plan
Architectenbureau Cepezed, Moreelsebrug, axonometric view
Architectenbureau Cepezed, Moreelsebrug, plan and section

  The structure functions more as a high-quality continuation of the urban space than a specifically infrastructural object. The bridge is simple, slender and transparent and consists of two super-sized trough girders with a middle section in between. Part of its straightforwardness is that it does not span all more than 300 meters in one go, but it is supported at every train platform by a pylon, with an unaffected stability structure.

Architectenbureau cepezed,Moreelsebrug, Utrecht, 2016

The various sight lines and orientations arise from and fit in with the given urban design situation, and as a result, the bridge is embedded into the fabric of the city in a natural way. The trees on the bridge form a raised continuation of the avenue of trees already present at ground level on the connecting routes to and from the city centre.

Architectenbureau cepezed,Moreelsebrug, Utrecht, 2016

Moreelsebrug, Utrecht, The Nederlands
Program: bridge
Architect: architectenbureau cepezed
Consultant mechanical & electrical installations, elevators and lighting design: Arup
Consultant stability: ABT, Velp
Contractor: Colijn Beton
Client: Gemeente Utrecht, ProRail
Completion: 2016