Satoumi station

The gas station by Hirokazu Toki, onishimaki+hyakudayuki architects, Takuo Nagai and Takahashi Kogyo, is part of the reconstruction after the 2011 tsunami and also a place where people can meet and work together.

"Satoumi station" is one of the tsunami-recovery projects in Kesennuma. When this area has been damaged by the 2011 tsunami, the owner of this gas station continued to supply the gasoline for the neighborhood.

Hirokazu Toki, onishimaki+hyakudayuki architects/o+h, Takuo Nagai, and Takahashi Kogyo, Satoumi station, Japan. Cor-Ten steel structure

After many discussions with the owner, his family, and his local friends, we designed a place where people can stay and produce their local products to keep the community alive for the next generation.

Hirokazu Toki, onishimaki+hyakudayuki architects/o+h, Takuo Nagai, and Takahashi Kogyo, Satoumi station, Japan. Building Cor-Ten steel structure

The structure is made by 6mm Cor-Ten steel, constructed using ship building techniques. The project has been developed with "two-dimensional" surfaces that correspond to the different work conditions of the business after the tsunami. The construction process is very simple. The exposed 6mm COR-TEN steel works as structure of the walls and ceilings and finishing, giving a strong identity to the building.

Hirokazu Toki, onishimaki+hyakudayuki architects/o+h, Takuo Nagai and Takahashi Kogyo, Satoumi station, Japan

Satoumi station

Kesennuma, Miyagi, Japan
Architect: Hirokazu Toki, onishimaki+hyakudayuki architects/o+h, Takuo Nagai, Takahashi Kogyo
Typology: gas station office
Structures: Hirokazu Toki, Takuo Nagai
Completion: 2013
Photo: Hirokazu Toki, onishimaki+hyakudayuki

Satoumi station, elevation