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Nomadic living at the Vitra Museum
The home in times of globalisation is the theme of the exhibition at the Vitra Design Museum in Weil am Rhein (on until 8 September). 150 objects and 500 videos and images, on the theme of living in the twenty first century all in the name of flexibility and mobility.
From floating houses to tents, from the Wichita House by Buckminster Fuller to the Pavillon des Refuges by Jean Prouvé, from mobile dwellings by Shigeru Ban to multi-functional furniture by Joe Colombo, from jackets which transform themselves into tents to the wearable private domain designed by Jennie Pineus.
There is no shortage of examples, and with globalisation and mobility having today become a fact of life one has to look at what a sedentary life means as well as look to cultures outside Europe in search of increasingly varied solutions.
until 8.9.2002 Living in Motion. Design and Architecture for Flexible Dwelling Vitra Design Museum Charles-Eames-Str. 1, Weil am Rhein