Il presidente del Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA), Ben Derbyshire, ha descritto il progetto di Foster + Partners come un “traguardo monumentale” che “non ha solo alzato il livello per la progettazione degli uffici e l'urbanistica, ma ha rotto il soffitto”.
La sede europea della società di comunicazione Bloomberg occupa un intero isolato nella City di Londra, ed è formata da due blocchi imponenti rivestiti di arenaria e caratterizzata esternamente da alette di bronzo giganti.
Una galleria commerciale con caffè e negozi crea un taglio tra due blocchi e ripristina una strada romana che un tempo attraversava il sito. L’intervento svela i resti archeologici del Tempio romano di Mitra. Il tempio, scoperto sessant'anni fa, è stato aperto al pubblico come parte del progetto.
Foster + Partners wins RIBA Stirling Prize 2018
Norman Foster’s studio has been awarded this year’s Stirling Prize for its monolithic Bloomberg headquarters in London.
Foster + Partners wins RIBA Stirling Prize 2018
Norman Foster’s studio has been awarded this year’s Stirling Prize for its monolithic Bloomberg headquarters in London.
Foster + Partners wins RIBA Stirling Prize 2018
Norman Foster’s studio has been awarded this year’s Stirling Prize for its monolithic Bloomberg headquarters in London.
Foster + Partners wins RIBA Stirling Prize 2018
Norman Foster’s studio has been awarded this year’s Stirling Prize for its monolithic Bloomberg headquarters in London.
Foster + Partners wins RIBA Stirling Prize 2018
Norman Foster’s studio has been awarded this year’s Stirling Prize for its monolithic Bloomberg headquarters in London.
Foster + Partners wins RIBA Stirling Prize 2018
Norman Foster’s studio has been awarded this year’s Stirling Prize for its monolithic Bloomberg headquarters in London.
Foster + Partners wins RIBA Stirling Prize 2018
Norman Foster’s studio has been awarded this year’s Stirling Prize for its monolithic Bloomberg headquarters in London.
Foster + Partners wins RIBA Stirling Prize 2018
Norman Foster’s studio has been awarded this year’s Stirling Prize for its monolithic Bloomberg headquarters in London.
Foster + Partners wins RIBA Stirling Prize 2018
Norman Foster’s studio has been awarded this year’s Stirling Prize for its monolithic Bloomberg headquarters in London.
Foster + Partners wins RIBA Stirling Prize 2018
Norman Foster’s studio has been awarded this year’s Stirling Prize for its monolithic Bloomberg headquarters in London.
Foster + Partners wins RIBA Stirling Prize 2018
Norman Foster’s studio has been awarded this year’s Stirling Prize for its monolithic Bloomberg headquarters in London.
Foster + Partners wins RIBA Stirling Prize 2018
Norman Foster’s studio has been awarded this year’s Stirling Prize for its monolithic Bloomberg headquarters in London.
Foster + Partners wins RIBA Stirling Prize 2018
Norman Foster’s studio has been awarded this year’s Stirling Prize for its monolithic Bloomberg headquarters in London.
Foster + Partners wins RIBA Stirling Prize 2018
Norman Foster’s studio has been awarded this year’s Stirling Prize for its monolithic Bloomberg headquarters in London.
Foster + Partners wins RIBA Stirling Prize 2018
Norman Foster’s studio has been awarded this year’s Stirling Prize for its monolithic Bloomberg headquarters in London.
Foster + Partners wins RIBA Stirling Prize 2018
Norman Foster’s studio has been awarded this year’s Stirling Prize for its monolithic Bloomberg headquarters in London.
Foster + Partners wins RIBA Stirling Prize 2018
Norman Foster’s studio has been awarded this year’s Stirling Prize for its monolithic Bloomberg headquarters in London.
Foster + Partners wins RIBA Stirling Prize 2018
Norman Foster’s studio has been awarded this year’s Stirling Prize for its monolithic Bloomberg headquarters in London.
Foster + Partners wins RIBA Stirling Prize 2018
Norman Foster’s studio has been awarded this year’s Stirling Prize for its monolithic Bloomberg headquarters in London.
Foster + Partners wins RIBA Stirling Prize 2018
Norman Foster’s studio has been awarded this year’s Stirling Prize for its monolithic Bloomberg headquarters in London.
Foster + Partners wins RIBA Stirling Prize 2018
Norman Foster’s studio has been awarded this year’s Stirling Prize for its monolithic Bloomberg headquarters in London.
Foster + Partners wins RIBA Stirling Prize 2018
Norman Foster’s studio has been awarded this year’s Stirling Prize for its monolithic Bloomberg headquarters in London.
Foster + Partners wins RIBA Stirling Prize 2018
Norman Foster’s studio has been awarded this year’s Stirling Prize for its monolithic Bloomberg headquarters in London.
Foster + Partners wins RIBA Stirling Prize 2018
Norman Foster’s studio has been awarded this year’s Stirling Prize for its monolithic Bloomberg headquarters in London.
Foster + Partners wins RIBA Stirling Prize 2018
Norman Foster’s studio has been awarded this year’s Stirling Prize for its monolithic Bloomberg headquarters in London.
Foster + Partners wins RIBA Stirling Prize 2018
Norman Foster’s studio has been awarded this year’s Stirling Prize for its monolithic Bloomberg headquarters in London.
Foster + Partners wins RIBA Stirling Prize 2018
Norman Foster’s studio has been awarded this year’s Stirling Prize for its monolithic Bloomberg headquarters in London.
Foster + Partners wins RIBA Stirling Prize 2018
Norman Foster’s studio has been awarded this year’s Stirling Prize for its monolithic Bloomberg headquarters in London.
Foster + Partners wins RIBA Stirling Prize 2018
Norman Foster’s studio has been awarded this year’s Stirling Prize for its monolithic Bloomberg headquarters in London.
Foster + Partners wins RIBA Stirling Prize 2018
Norman Foster’s studio has been awarded this year’s Stirling Prize for its monolithic Bloomberg headquarters in London.
Foster + Partners wins RIBA Stirling Prize 2018
Norman Foster’s studio has been awarded this year’s Stirling Prize for its monolithic Bloomberg headquarters in London.
Foster + Partners wins RIBA Stirling Prize 2018
Norman Foster’s studio has been awarded this year’s Stirling Prize for its monolithic Bloomberg headquarters in London.
Foster + Partners wins RIBA Stirling Prize 2018
Norman Foster’s studio has been awarded this year’s Stirling Prize for its monolithic Bloomberg headquarters in London.
Foster + Partners wins RIBA Stirling Prize 2018
Norman Foster’s studio has been awarded this year’s Stirling Prize for its monolithic Bloomberg headquarters in London.
Foster + Partners wins RIBA Stirling Prize 2018
Norman Foster’s studio has been awarded this year’s Stirling Prize for its monolithic Bloomberg headquarters in London.
Foster + Partners wins RIBA Stirling Prize 2018
Norman Foster’s studio has been awarded this year’s Stirling Prize for its monolithic Bloomberg headquarters in London.
Foster + Partners wins RIBA Stirling Prize 2018
Norman Foster’s studio has been awarded this year’s Stirling Prize for its monolithic Bloomberg headquarters in London.
Foster + Partners wins RIBA Stirling Prize 2018
Norman Foster’s studio has been awarded this year’s Stirling Prize for its monolithic Bloomberg headquarters in London.
Foster + Partners wins RIBA Stirling Prize 2018
Norman Foster’s studio has been awarded this year’s Stirling Prize for its monolithic Bloomberg headquarters in London.
Foster + Partners wins RIBA Stirling Prize 2018
Norman Foster’s studio has been awarded this year’s Stirling Prize for its monolithic Bloomberg headquarters in London.
Foster + Partners wins RIBA Stirling Prize 2018
Norman Foster’s studio has been awarded this year’s Stirling Prize for its monolithic Bloomberg headquarters in London.
Foster + Partners wins RIBA Stirling Prize 2018
Norman Foster’s studio has been awarded this year’s Stirling Prize for its monolithic Bloomberg headquarters in London.
Foster + Partners wins RIBA Stirling Prize 2018
Norman Foster’s studio has been awarded this year’s Stirling Prize for its monolithic Bloomberg headquarters in London.
Foster + Partners wins RIBA Stirling Prize 2018
Norman Foster’s studio has been awarded this year’s Stirling Prize for its monolithic Bloomberg headquarters in London.
Foster + Partners wins RIBA Stirling Prize 2018
Norman Foster’s studio has been awarded this year’s Stirling Prize for its monolithic Bloomberg headquarters in London.
Foster + Partners wins RIBA Stirling Prize 2018
Norman Foster’s studio has been awarded this year’s Stirling Prize for its monolithic Bloomberg headquarters in London.
Foster + Partners wins RIBA Stirling Prize 2018
Norman Foster’s studio has been awarded this year’s Stirling Prize for its monolithic Bloomberg headquarters in London.
Foster + Partners wins RIBA Stirling Prize 2018
Norman Foster’s studio has been awarded this year’s Stirling Prize for its monolithic Bloomberg headquarters in London.
All'interno, una rampa di bronzo lunga in totale 210 metri collega uffici open space dotati di soffitti rivestiti con “petali” di alluminio che aiutano a moderare il suono, la temperatura e la luce. Questo elemento è una dei tanti accorgimenti che aiutano l’edificio nella sua pretesa di essere l'edificio per uffici più sostenibile al mondo.
“Dalla primo incontro ai dettagli finali del progetto, Mike Bloomberg e io ci siamo confrontati su ogni aspetto del progetto: la sua attenzione alla sostenibilità, l’impegno per l'innovazione e la volontà di creare il miglior posto di lavoro al mondo per i dipendenti Bloomberg” ha dichiarato Norman Foster.
“Il RIBA Stirling Prize testimonia l'incredibile spirito collaborativo che ha sostenuto l'intero progetto dall'inizio alla fine.”
Il vincitore di quest'anno è stato selezionato da una giuria presieduta dall’architetto Sir David Adjaye e che comprende il vincitore dello scorso anno, l'architetto Alex de Rijke di dRMM.
“Bloomberg è un progetto unico che ha spinto i confini della ricerca e dell’innovazione in architettura”, ha osservato Adjaye.
“Costruendo a un’altezza inferiore rispetto a quella approvata in fase di progettazione, riservando parti del lotto per lo spazio pubblico e grazie a alla cura dei dettagli, con anche elementi fatti a mano, Bloomberg mostra una grande generosità nei confronti della città. Questo un edificio fa parte del suo luogo.”
Questa è la terza volta che Foster + Partners vince il RIBA Stirling Prize, dopo aver vinto il premio nel 1998 per l’Imperial War Museum a Duxford e ancora nel 2004 per il 30 St Mary Axe (The Gherkin) di Londra.
Per la ventitreesima edizione dello Stirling Prize sono stati selezionati sei progetti. Gli altri cinque progetti in nominate sono: il Bushey Cemetery di Waugh Thistleton Architects, la Chadwick Hall di Henley Halebrown, la New Tate St Ives di Jamie Fobert Architects con Evans & Shalev, lo Storey's Field Center e la Eddington Nursery di MUMA, e il Sultan Nazrin Shah Center di Niall McLaughlin Architects.
Foster + Partners è stato proclamato vincitore del premio durante una cerimonia tenutasi a The Roundhouse Venue a Londra questa sera.