Un’architettura in equilibrio tra industrializzazione e granai rurali

Nel Cambridgeshire Fenland, Regno Unito, un edificio per uffici di Procor and Matthews Architects rappresenta un efficace punto di incontro tra tecnologie costruttive all’avanguardia e riferimenti alla storia e alla cultura locale.

Proctor and atthews Architects, Northstowe House, Northstowe, Cambridgeshire, UK 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker

Proctor and atthews Architects, Northstowe House, Northstowe, Cambridgeshire, UK 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker

Proctor and atthews Architects, Northstowe House, Northstowe, Cambridgeshire, UK 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker

Proctor and atthews Architects, Northstowe House, Northstowe, Cambridgeshire, UK 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker

Proctor and atthews Architects, Northstowe House, Northstowe, Cambridgeshire, UK 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker

Proctor and atthews Architects, Northstowe House, Northstowe, Cambridgeshire, UK 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker

Proctor and atthews Architects, Northstowe House, Northstowe, Cambridgeshire, UK 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker

Proctor and atthews Architects, Northstowe House, Northstowe, Cambridgeshire, UK 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker

Proctor and atthews Architects, Northstowe House, Northstowe, Cambridgeshire, UK 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker

Proctor and atthews Architects, Northstowe House, Northstowe, Cambridgeshire, UK 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker

Proctor and atthews Architects, Northstowe House, Northstowe, Cambridgeshire, UK 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker

Proctor and atthews Architects, Northstowe House, Northstowe, Cambridgeshire, UK 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker

Proctor and atthews Architects, Northstowe House, Northstowe, Cambridgeshire, UK 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker

Proctor and atthews Architects, Northstowe House, Northstowe, Cambridgeshire, UK 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker

Proctor and atthews Architects, Northstowe House, Northstowe, Cambridgeshire, UK 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker

Proctor and atthews Architects, Northstowe House, Northstowe, Cambridgeshire, UK 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker

Proctor and atthews Architects, Northstowe House, Northstowe, Cambridgeshire, UK 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker

Proctor and atthews Architects, Northstowe House, Northstowe, Cambridgeshire, UK 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker

Proctor and atthews Architects, Northstowe House, Northstowe, Cambridgeshire, UK 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker

Proctor and atthews Architects, Northstowe House, Northstowe, Cambridgeshire, UK 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker

Proctor and atthews Architects, Northstowe House, Northstowe, Cambridgeshire, UK 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker

Proctor and atthews Architects, Northstowe House, Northstowe, Cambridgeshire, UK 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker

Proctor and atthews Architects, Northstowe House, Northstowe, Cambridgeshire, UK 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker

Proctor and atthews Architects, Northstowe House, Northstowe, Cambridgeshire, UK 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker

Proctor and atthews Architects, Northstowe House, Northstowe, Cambridgeshire, UK 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker

Proctor and atthews Architects, Northstowe House, Northstowe, Cambridgeshire, UK 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker

Proctor and atthews Architects, Northstowe House, Northstowe, Cambridgeshire, UK 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker

Proctor and atthews Architects, Northstowe House, Northstowe, Cambridgeshire, UK 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker

Proctor and atthews Architects, Northstowe House, Northstowe, Cambridgeshire, UK 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker

Proctor and atthews Architects, Northstowe House, Northstowe, Cambridgeshire, UK 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker

Proctor and atthews Architects, Northstowe House, Northstowe, Cambridgeshire, UK 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker

Proctor and atthews Architects, Northstowe House, Northstowe, Cambridgeshire, UK 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker

Proctor and atthews Architects, Northstowe House, Northstowe, Cambridgeshire, UK 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker

Proctor and atthews Architects, Northstowe House, Northstowe, Cambridgeshire, UK 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker

Proctor and Matthews Architects, Northstowe House, Northstowe, Cambridgeshire, UK 2020 Vista assonometrica

Proctor and Matthews Architects, Northstowe House, Northstowe, Cambridgeshire, UK 2020 Planimetria di inquadramento

Proctor and Matthews Architects, Northstowe House, Northstowe, Cambridgeshire, UK 2020 Pianta piano terra

Proctor and Matthews Architects, Northstowe House, Northstowe, Cambridgeshire, UK 2020 Pianta piano primo

Proctor and Matthews Architects, Northstowe House, Northstowe, Cambridgeshire, UK 2020 Prospetto principale

Proctor and Matthews Architects, Northstowe House, Northstowe, Cambridgeshire, UK 2020 Sezione trasversale lungo la tettoia

A Northstowe, un agglomerato in espansione nelle campagne del Cambridgeshire che si candida ad essere la città nuova più estesa dai tempi di Milton Keynes, lo studio Proctor and Matthews ha realizzato la nuova sede per uffici di Homes England, l'ente pubblico che finanzia alloggi a prezzi calmierati in Inghilterra.

L’edificio, situato in un paesaggio di pregio naturalistico tra tracce di archeologia romana e memorie belliche visibili nel vicino ex aeroporto RAF Oakington, è frutto di un sapiente equilibrio tra tecnologie costruttive all’avanguardia e riferimenti al genius loci. L’opera è stato realizzata interamente secondo le modalità della costruzione off-site che, attraverso la riduzione delle lavorazioni in situ e la prevalente realizzazione in fabbrica, consente una razionalizzazione produttiva con conseguente riduzione di costi e tempi di costruzione: il sistema interamente modulare permette una notevole flessibilità e capacità di riutilizzo in funzione delle esigenze future dell’utenza. L’edificio a due piani, articolato ad U attorno ad un cortile, ospita spazi per uffici, sale riunioni e conferenze, aree di pausa e una zona multifunzionale al piano terra per mostre, eventi e consultazioni pubbliche ed è fortemente ispirato alla storia e alla cultura locale. L’elemento caratterizzante dell’edificio è la grande tettoia di manifattura artigianale caratterizzata da pannelli di rami di salice intrecciati - tradizionalmente usati come recinzioni – inseriti in telai di acciaio, che ombreggia l’atrio vetrato e protegge gli spazi multifunzionali al piano terra e la terrazza al piano primo.

Proctor and Matthews Architects, Northstowe House, Northstowe, Cambridgeshire, Cambridge 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker

La struttura in acciaio di colore terracotta della tettoia evoca le ceramiche romane rinvenute nell’area mentre i rivestimenti esterni in listelli di legno nero che incorniciano le finestre a fessura verticale ricordano i granai storici del Cambridgeshire.

Proctor and Matthews Architects, Northstowe House, Northstowe, Cambridgeshire, Cambridge 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker

Un intervento che evidenzia come l’industrializzazione spinta dei processi costruttivi possa brillantemente convivere con la memoria del passato e la riscoperta del sapore antico di un luogo.

  • Northstowe House
  • Homes England
  • The McAvoy Group
  • Mott Mcdonald
  • Attol Blue
  • Chris Blandford Associates
  • Tibbalds
  • Novum
  • Aecom, Mott MacDonald
  • Aecom, Mott MacDonald
  • Engineers HRW
  • Trenton Fire
Proctor and atthews Architects, Northstowe House, Northstowe, Cambridgeshire, UK 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker

Proctor and atthews Architects, Northstowe House, Northstowe, Cambridgeshire, UK 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker

Proctor and atthews Architects, Northstowe House, Northstowe, Cambridgeshire, UK 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker

Proctor and atthews Architects, Northstowe House, Northstowe, Cambridgeshire, UK 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker

Proctor and atthews Architects, Northstowe House, Northstowe, Cambridgeshire, UK 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker

Proctor and atthews Architects, Northstowe House, Northstowe, Cambridgeshire, UK 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker

Proctor and atthews Architects, Northstowe House, Northstowe, Cambridgeshire, UK 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker

Proctor and atthews Architects, Northstowe House, Northstowe, Cambridgeshire, UK 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker

Proctor and atthews Architects, Northstowe House, Northstowe, Cambridgeshire, UK 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker

Proctor and atthews Architects, Northstowe House, Northstowe, Cambridgeshire, UK 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker

Proctor and atthews Architects, Northstowe House, Northstowe, Cambridgeshire, UK 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker

Proctor and atthews Architects, Northstowe House, Northstowe, Cambridgeshire, UK 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker

Proctor and atthews Architects, Northstowe House, Northstowe, Cambridgeshire, UK 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker

Proctor and atthews Architects, Northstowe House, Northstowe, Cambridgeshire, UK 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker

Proctor and atthews Architects, Northstowe House, Northstowe, Cambridgeshire, UK 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker

Proctor and atthews Architects, Northstowe House, Northstowe, Cambridgeshire, UK 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker

Proctor and atthews Architects, Northstowe House, Northstowe, Cambridgeshire, UK 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker

Proctor and atthews Architects, Northstowe House, Northstowe, Cambridgeshire, UK 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker

Proctor and atthews Architects, Northstowe House, Northstowe, Cambridgeshire, UK 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker

Proctor and atthews Architects, Northstowe House, Northstowe, Cambridgeshire, UK 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker

Proctor and atthews Architects, Northstowe House, Northstowe, Cambridgeshire, UK 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker

Proctor and atthews Architects, Northstowe House, Northstowe, Cambridgeshire, UK 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker

Proctor and atthews Architects, Northstowe House, Northstowe, Cambridgeshire, UK 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker

Proctor and atthews Architects, Northstowe House, Northstowe, Cambridgeshire, UK 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker

Proctor and atthews Architects, Northstowe House, Northstowe, Cambridgeshire, UK 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker

Proctor and atthews Architects, Northstowe House, Northstowe, Cambridgeshire, UK 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker

Proctor and atthews Architects, Northstowe House, Northstowe, Cambridgeshire, UK 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker

Proctor and atthews Architects, Northstowe House, Northstowe, Cambridgeshire, UK 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker

Proctor and atthews Architects, Northstowe House, Northstowe, Cambridgeshire, UK 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker

Proctor and atthews Architects, Northstowe House, Northstowe, Cambridgeshire, UK 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker

Proctor and atthews Architects, Northstowe House, Northstowe, Cambridgeshire, UK 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker

Proctor and atthews Architects, Northstowe House, Northstowe, Cambridgeshire, UK 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker

Proctor and atthews Architects, Northstowe House, Northstowe, Cambridgeshire, UK 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker

Proctor and atthews Architects, Northstowe House, Northstowe, Cambridgeshire, UK 2020. Foto: Tim Crocker

Proctor and Matthews Architects, Northstowe House, Northstowe, Cambridgeshire, UK 2020

Vista assonometrica

Proctor and Matthews Architects, Northstowe House, Northstowe, Cambridgeshire, UK 2020

Planimetria di inquadramento

Proctor and Matthews Architects, Northstowe House, Northstowe, Cambridgeshire, UK 2020

Pianta piano terra

Proctor and Matthews Architects, Northstowe House, Northstowe, Cambridgeshire, UK 2020

Pianta piano primo

Proctor and Matthews Architects, Northstowe House, Northstowe, Cambridgeshire, UK 2020

Prospetto principale

Proctor and Matthews Architects, Northstowe House, Northstowe, Cambridgeshire, UK 2020

Sezione trasversale lungo la tettoia