
Altough surfing is considered to be a positive philosophy connected to nature, the industry behind it has been producing heavily unsustainable boards, that pollute the oceans worldwide.

The project Unsustainable by Jan Constantin Quast started with the aim of creating awareness on the existing substitutes to conventional, oil-based surfboards, and the overall contradictory sustainability of the industry. Shapers around Europe give us their point of view about the fact that surfing – an activity originally based on respect and contact with nature – has lost its bearings.

Img.1 Jan Constantin Quast, Unsustainable, 2017

The origins of surfing go far back to Ancient Polynesia, where riding a wave was part of the culture rather than leisure, and surfboards were made out of local woods and, therefore, sustainable, with a very low environmental impact. Yet, professional surfing required lighter boards and, with the appearance of new materials such as polyurethane foam and fiberglass in the mid 50’s, surfing was driven towards a petrochemical-based industry.  

Img.2 Jan Constantin Quast, Unsustainable, 2017

Including interviews with shapers and founders Job Verpoorte from Jabali Surfboards, Sergi Galanó from Flama Surf, and José (Zé) Antunes from Yoni Surfboards, a clear message is delivered: it is time to change. As a matter of fact, the extraction of the materials, as well as the manufacturing process of a conventional surfboard derives in a very high CO2 footprint. In addition, conventional surfboards are not recyclable, and are hence another burden to our environment. The three shapers from the Netherlands, Spain and Portugal, respectively, agree that it is a matter of awareness and that sustainable surfboards are just one of many little steps to a more eco-friendly society. Alternatives do already exist, it’s only a matter of embracing them and detach ourselves from the image and lack of attention towards the envirtonment that the surfboard industry has hold over the past years.

Img.3 Jan Constantin Quast, Unsustainable, 2017

Unsustainable was created by film student and passionate surfer Jan Constantin Quast from Spain, who, due to his love to nature, is eager to push the world of surfing and society in general towards a more sustainable path.