Domus México Mixtape is a series curated by architect and developer Alberto Bustamante (@demomilton) #mexicanjihad
This mixtape was published in Domus México 05, February / March 2013

This mix tape is an acidic musical trip through the New North: aggressive, melancholy, sad and dark. Partying is the best way to understand the scene that is this border area by night.

Go out with some pals to listen to Mexican ballads and down Buchanan's whisky; with others to knock back stubbies and listen to Black Metal. A posh kids' bar with Top 40 hits and overpriced beer. Gigs full of grungy gringos. Another party full of people smoking weed, listing to reggae and hip hop. The club where they put on raves, full of young adults, some wasted, others stoned, others totally drunk; all dancing to hypnotic beats.

This is the backdrop to everything I experience in one weekend in Mexicali, my city: the sounds outside the Mónaco — a scummy frontier club — the people and the music in the distance. I enter the party and pop a pill. Lust and violence. Desire and death. Danger and pleasure. The longer I am in there, the stranger things become. As I come up I am filled with emotion. I go crazy. To calm myself down I think of each song as a moment, and each moment as infinite.

An eternal and delirious cycle. As I come down, 'Flor de Lirio' fades out as 'Penumbra' starts up. Now I am outside. Totally alone and in silence. The only noise is my ears ringing after the onslaught. Resigned, I realise that the only option is to have fun. I have no friends, but the party goes on. The music finishes. Now my ears sound different. Marco Polo Gutiérrez aka Siete Catorce (@sietecatorce), producer

01. WynoOoze
02. Santos – La Chica Hipster (Siete Catorce remix)
03. Los MacuanosSangre, Bandera Cruz (Siete Catorce remix)
04. Denima – Sauel
05. Siete CatorceVerdad
06. Den5hion x Josue Josue – Ciclo x Prisioneros (den5hion mashup)
07. Los Angeles Negros – Como Quisiera Decirte (den5hion instrumental)
08. NesstrakDarkness
09. BurialHomeless (Siete Catorce Remix)
10. Espectro | Caudillo – Mexico, Año Cero
11. Pegazord – Pegazord
12. Den5hionAzure
13. FonobisaPiano para Tres (den5hion remix)
14. Mock the ZumaBlack Puddle
15. Den5hionSiete Pesos y un Encendedor
16. Siete CatorceFlor de Lirio
17. BiuddhaPenumbra
18. Sin Amigos – Zaga
19. BiuddhaPocimo del Hechizo