Eastman announced the judging panel for the 2022 Vanceva® World of Color Awards™, its international design recognition program honoring the use of Vanceva® Color interlayers. The competition, open to architects, designers, glass manufacturers, glazing contractors, engineers and industry professionals, honors the artistic and innovative use of colored laminated safety glass.  Entries, which are open until Thursday 31 March, will gather projects from all over the world. Entries will be posted on the award’s website in April, the public voting period, and then selected by the jury, which includes Firas Hnoosh, managing director of Nordic Office Architects; Joe Jacoby, president and design director of Jacoby Architects Inc.; Jeffrey S. Monzu, vice president, healthcare market sector, Leo A Daly; Roman Schieber, associate director ppa. of Knippers Helbig; and Monika Kumor, owner and project designer of Hok.  The company’s coloured interlayer system allows colour to be incorporated into glass and glazing systems. The interlayers are laminated inside two glass panels: up to four layers produce over 3,000 colours, for transparent, translucent and opaque panels. The system can be used for exterior and interior applications – balconies, buffer facades, skylights, partitions and glass doors.