Cersaie 2018 was an opportunity to study the sensory dimension of materials. The transmutation of the characteristics and properties of one material to another is one of the most fertile aspects of contemporaneity: from elements in porcelain stoneware that simulate wood to resins that look like concrete. But what do materials communicate about their nature? We asked Valentina Rognoli who has been addressing this theme for some years. “The aesthetic experience, originating from perception, is that which involves sensory data: heat, sound, weight and so on” she explains. “The experience of meaning, or rather what the material represents to us and in what world of significance it takes us. Emotional experience linked to how a certain material makes us feel and what it provokes within us and to conclude, the experience of the performance, or rather how a material influences our behaviour and our actions towards it and towards the object in which it is incorporated.”