A non-conventional picture-story at MAXXI from 15 December 2010 to 6 March 2011 (curated by Francesca Fabiani): from the photographs taken in 2004 that document the first excavations for the MAXXI foundations to the evocative aerial views realised in 2009 with the museum finally complete.

The exhibition is a visual itinerary explored through a selection of around 100 photographs that include the sequence by Olivo Barbieri in which he reveals the vastness of the building and the limpid images of Gabriele Basilico, capable of "lending order" to the chaotic material of the site. There are also shots by landscape masters such as Giovanni Chiaramonte and Guido Guidi. The visionary gazes of Antonio Biasiucci describe a place already full of memories, while the research of Ramak Fazel concentrates on the portrait and recounts the identity of the protagonists of the site. The photographs of Raffaella Mariniello take the landscape into the dreamlike dimension of the fantastic, while those of Patrizia Bonanzinga provide an abstract reading of the site. The most authentic spirit of the photograph as reportage is represented by the work of Gianni Berengo Gardin: his apparently simple images, stripped of all artifice, are never banal and never prevail over the life they propose to narrate.