Poly Pluto Pluri

On show at the Galería OMR in Mexico City, “Poly Pluto Pluri” offers an overview of Atelier Van Lieshout’s practice from the early 1990’s to date.

“Poly Pluto Pluri” offers an overview of Atelier Van Lieshout’s practice from the early 1990’s until the present day: straddling sculpture and installation, utopia and dystopia. Works appear within a deserted domestic setting and are primarily grouped by series, reflecting changing concerns of utility and display.

<b>Top:</b> Atelier Van Lieshout, <i>Minimal Steel with Red Lights</i>, detail, 2006. <b>Above:</b> Atelier Van Lieshout, <i>Burghers</i>, 2013
Atelier Van Lieshout, <i>L'Origine du Monde</i>, 2011
Atelier Van Lieshout. Left: Screw, 2015. Right: <i>Test</i>, 2016

  Roughly translated from Ancient Greek and Latin as “more, more, more”, “Poly Pluto Pluri” charts the development of new technologies congruent to the advancement of humanity, with all of its successes and more notably, its failures. In “Poly Pluto Pluri”, the focus is technology as a means of survival. Highlighting a number of recurring motives and obsessions for Van Lieshout including power, life, sex and death; how these themes play into the ideal of self-sufficiency is key.

Atelier Van Lieshout, Happy Industry Stove, 2014

22 April – 10 June 2017
Poly Pluto Pluri
Galería OMR
Córdoba 100, Mexico City