Non solo popcorn

Max Rommel led to Milano Design Film Festival a short film interweaving architecture and cinema in an early twentieth century style condominium, narrated at child height.

Winner of the Short Film Award MDFF 2014, Max Rommel led lat Milano Design Film Festival’s last edition the life of Antonio and Cristian, two 7 year old children living in an early twentieth century style condominium that was a model of social housing in 1906, at 40 Solari Street, Milan.

Built according to the architectural principles of the Società Umanitaria (Humanitarian Society) of Milan, the courtyard is a large expanse of concrete and grass, enclosed within the walls, where everyone knows everyone else and where Milan presents a different face.

Max Rommel, Non solo popcorn, Italy, 2015, 10'

Non solo popcorn shows us some domestic space, but mostly a courtyard where one laughs, one plays, everyone is involved in the affairs of the others. One lives. In the meantime, preparations for an open-air screening of the film generate a wave of contagious excitement and in the apartments people are popping corn and preparing watermelons and sausages.

At child heigh, the film tells about the courtyard as a place of togetherness, of conviviality. It tells of a space that today the great architecture does not provide, of stories that weave other stories, of apartment buildings where the doors are open and where Antonio and Cristian can fall asleep playing stealthily with the puppets of the puppeteer who lives downstairs.

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Max Rommel, Non solo popcorn, Italy, 2015, 10'