Sharing the stage with Saraceno and installation curator Andrea Lissoni will be Joseph Grima, editor of Domus, Curator of the First Istanbul Design Biennial and architectural historian; Bruno Latour, actually considered the most important philosopher and anthropologist of Science and Technology, founder of the group of multidisciplinary studies SPEAP (Experimental Program in Arts and Science) at the faculty of SciencesPo in Paris; and Molly Nesbit, art historian and author of important essays on contemporary culture in relation to society.
This open and multidisciplinary encounter will be shaped as an informal and open conversation where the public can intervene with questions and remarks. It will be the occasion to verify — using Saraceno words and work as a starting point — how contemporary art can function as an engine of imaginary and ways of thinking, connecting different forms of knowledge in a non-academic way and generating new visions of the future.

On Space Time Foam: a Conversation
Hangar Bicocca
Via Privata Chiese 2, Milan
Free entrance