Cinematography and architecture have always been two artistic disciplines that influence each other, in search of inspiration and formal quotations. There may be films dedicated to the work of an individual architect, as well as films set in architecturally significant locations. There are others that build a world of design to communicate ideas, and finally there are those that use environments to interact with the rest of the mise-en-scène.

We therefore asked five architecture studios to recommend a film that has particularly influenced not only their professional work but also their vision and interpretation of the world, including great classics, pop references and a few gems for true connoisseurs. For example, Ippolito Pestellini Laparelli of 2050+ told us about the imaginative scenarios and inter-species alliances recounted by Miyazaki, while Belgian studio Bovenbouw Architectuur looks at the modernist abstraction created in the films of Vincenzo Natali. In the five films proposed in this collection, architecture becomes a fundamental means of expression. We present them to you in no particular order.