Fes Millenium

Continuing their research on the best approach about urban interventions and restoration, Oualalou+Choi completed the rehabilitation of the four Caravansérails of the Fez Medina: a multidisciplinary endeavor that is equal parts urban design, restoration, and landscape.

The rehabilitation of the 4 Caravansérails of the Fez Medina – an outstanding example of a medieval town created during the very first centuries of Islamisation of Morocco, part of the UNESCO World Heritage List – is a multidisciplinary endeavor that is equal parts urban design, restoration, and landscape.

Focusing specifically on the city’s copperwork industry, the project tackles the morphology, the physical displacement, and the environmental impact associated with this artisanal activity.

Oualalou+Choi, Fes Millenium, Fès, Morocco

Through the rehabilitation of structures dating from the 14th–17th century as well as the construction of a new building, the project aims to restructure the contemporary practice of copperwork in Fez. At the same time, Oualalou+Choi piloted the restructuring of the Place Lalla Ydouna, the principal entry to the Fez Medina. This 25,000 sqm plaza housing artisanal and industrial functions will soon welcome cultural and touristic activities.

Oualalou+Choi, Fes Millenium, Fès, Morocco
Oualalou+Choi, Fes Millenium, Fès, Morocco
Oualalou+Choi, Fes Millenium, Fès, Morocco
Oualalou+Choi, Fes Millenium, Fès, Morocco
Oualalou+Choi, Fes Millenium, Fès, Morocco
Oualalou+Choi, Fes Millenium, Fès, Morocco

Fes Millenium, Fès, Morocco
Program: caravanserai
Architects: Oualalou+Choi
Associates: Tarik Oualalou, Linna Choi
Project Architect: Abderrahim Kassou
Client: Ader Fès et Agence Partenariat pour le Progrès
BET: Team Maroc
Environnement/Social: Memoris et SCE
Area: 15,000 sqm
Completion: 2015