The variations of opaque glass yields a colossal appearance of yet more concreteness unifying the building’s constructionyet still natural. The glass acts to embrace the light allowing it to pour in, controlling its every move.
While the front facade is an abstract creation conceptually assuring the blending of identity and function, the rear facade graphically expresses threedimensionality, the probing of depth and the feeling of brightness and freedom.

A glance at the side facades explains the process of exposure and illumination beginning at the opaque facade facing the road and leading to the facades facing the yard and pool.
The entrance to the home occurs on the western side at the patio garden, starting from the basement leading to the living rooms. The living rooms are double in size and face the southern gardens. Two staircases lead to the living areas, one descending to the children’s area and another ascending to two additional levels, one containing the children’s living rooms and another with the parents rooms.

A concrete cut, Ramat Gan, Israel
Program: single-family house
Architects: Pitsou Kedem Architects
Design team: Pitsou Kedem, Noa Groman
Architect in charge: Noa Groman
Lighting design: Orly Avron Alkabes
Styling for photography: Eti Buskila
Area: 500 sqm
Completion: 2015