Eden Cinema

Olivier Palatre Architects completed the restoration of a cinema in Montmorency, enhancing the dark, charcoal grey facade as a reference to the ambiance in cinema theatres.

Eden Cinema
The facade of the existing building is enclosed and not very visible.
The idea is to turn this feature into an advantage by creating a pathway to the cinema theatres.
Eden Cinema
Olivier Palatre Architects, Eden Cinema, Montmorency, France
The dark, charcoal grey façade is a reference to the ambiance in cinema theatres. Its main features are cinema posters and neon signs. The red floor stands out and is an invitation to enter the cinema, it is the red carpet for the artists’ entrance. Once inside, the entrance hall is decorated with a reflective surface to distort our perceptions, just like a special effect in a film.

Eden Cinema, Montmorency
Program: restoration of a cinema
Architects: Olivier Palatre Architects
Technical Consultants: Atelux
Client: town of Montmorency
Area: 660 sqm
Completion: November 2013

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