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Fantasy Architecture
From Adam to Archigram, Boullée to Buckminster Fuller, Mendelsohn to MVRDV; designed but never realised architecture from the last 500 years to the next 30 makes up the centre of an exhibition promoted by the Hayward Gallery with the Royal Institute of British Architects. It draws on the archives of the RIBA and the Victoria and Albert Museum.
Drawings, paintings, collages and models are accompanied by films, videos and documentaries that demonstrate how the face of the contemporary city could radically change. E.S.
Until 4.7.2004 Fantasy Architecture 1500-2036 Northern Gallery of Contemporary Art 28-30 Fawcett Street, Sunderland T +44-191-5141235
Étienne Louis Boullée (1728-1799), project for a metropolian cathedral in the form of a Greek cross with a domed centre, 1782. RIBA Library Drawings Collection
Peter Cook, Design for Sleektower and Veranda Tower, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, 1984. RIBA Library Drawings Collection