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Triennale ’68 on the cover of Domus
Gian Emilio Simonetti, Mino Ceretti, Fernando De Filippi, Franco Fortini, Enzo Mari, Pierluigi Nicolin, Gio Pomodoro, Ernesto Treccani. These are just some of the personalities featured on the cover of the January issue of Domus as the legendary magazine takes a new direction, both in contents and graphics, under the editorship of Stefano Boeri.
The photo was taken by Milan photographer Cesare Colombo and refers to the contestation in May 1968 which blocked the opening of the exhibition Large Numbers at the XIV Triennale di Milano, curated by Giancarlo De Carlo. The cover photograph and the new issue of the magazine have been discussed recently by Guido Vergani in Corriere della Sera 13 January, Anna Detheridge in Il Sole 24 Ore on 18 January and la Repubblica on 19 January.
We would like to invite anyone who recognises themselves or someone else in the photograph to let us know.