Archigram winners of the RIBA Gold Medal

Archigram are this years winners of the prestigious Royal Gold Medal of the RIBA, awarded to a person or group who has influenced architecture at an international level. “ Even today the work of Archigram reflects a freshness, a courage and a creativity that is simply mind-blowing”, declared Paul Hyett, president of the RIBA.

Even though Archigram – originally made up of Peter Cook, Warren Chalk, Dennis Crompton, David Greene, Ron Herron and Mike Webb – have never actually built anything together, they have had a strong influence on many generations of architects, right up to the present.

Their interests, developed over the course of forty years, focus mainly on urban design, in particular the form and function of cities, housing and other architectural archetypes. Theoretical reflections which take shape on the pages of their magazine which was conceived as a kind of telegram – hence the name Archigram – offering radical alternatives using Pop images such as the “Walking City”, the “Plug-in City”, the “Living Pod” and the “Instant City”.

Whilst the work of Archigram can be seen in a travelling exhibition which has already shown in many cities inside and outside Europe, due to come to London at the RIBA in autumn – the “survivors” of the historic group – Peter Cook, Dennis Crompton, David Greene and Mike Webb – can be seen at the awards ceremony on December 3.
Ron Herron, A Walking City, New York, 1964. Photo Ben Blackwell
Ron Herron, A Walking City, New York, 1964. Photo Ben Blackwell
Ron Herron, Instant City, Santa Monica and San Diego Freeway Intersection, Los Angeles, 1969. Photo Ben Blackwell
Ron Herron, Instant City, Santa Monica and San Diego Freeway Intersection, Los Angeles, 1969. Photo Ben Blackwell

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