A total of over 200 ideas were sent to Domus in response to Project Heracles, the competition launched by the monthly architecture, art and design magazine to conceive of an imaginary infrastructural work connecting Africa and Europe. The projects, which had to be outlined on a postcard, came from designers and architects from all over the world, suggesting creative, surprising and highly imaginative solutions including a Eurafrican airship, a cableway over the Strait of Gibraltar, a playground and a Eurafrican roundabout.

The most interesting entries can be found in the July-August edition of Domus with comments by the philosophers Lieven De Cauter and Dieter Lesage, authors of the correspondence "The Myth of the Bridge". The cover of the edition is inspired by Andrea Costa and Debora Sanguineti's project, which takes the "Piazza of 200 Columns" in the Algerian Climat de France residential complex and turns it into an inhabited bridge, in reference to Giancarlo De Carlo's notion of the Mediterranean city.

There will be an exhibition of the postcards exhibited in a special show at The Gopher Hole to be inaugurated on 21st July, when the best five proposals selected by Lieven De Cauter will receive a prize. The postcards will be published on DomusWeb.

The deadline for new entries has been extended to 19th July and postcards can be posted directly to
Project Heracles
The Gopher Hole
350-354 Old Street,
London, EC1V 9NQ

"We are very pleased with the interest that Project Heracles has aroused," says Domus's editor Joseph Grima, "and especially with the strong statements that the submitted projects make about the need to rethink relationships between Africa and Europe, starting with those that can symbolically be infrastructures of dialogue rather than separation."

The Gopher Hole is a small exhibition, project space and venue co-founded by aberrant architecture and Beatrice Galilee. Its aim is to explore new ways of curating ideas in contemporary culture and to provide a forum for sharp, critical debate on the arts and society. From December 2010 The Gopher Hole has hosted a rolling programme of exhibitions, events, talks, screenings and continues to provide an open house for ideas that cross cultural boundaries, promote political and sociological thinking and encourage debate and exchange between disciplines.

Above postcard by: Zhiguo Pan (Archimag Design, Shenzhen, China)