“Every act of creation is first of all an act of destruction”. This is how Pablo Picasso succinctly described his artistic process.
His works, his theatrical art, first figurative, then cubist, flooded with blue, with pink, his artistic expression, through mixed techniques and constant experimentation, was characterised by varied fields of study and careful and meticulous analysis.
The MUDEC in Milan is dedicating a prestigious exhibition to the Spanish master with the aim of providing an in-depth examination of certain aspects of the art of one of the greatest artists of the 20th century.
“Metamorphosis of the figure” is the title of the exhibition dedicated to Pablo Picasso, which will run from 22 February to 30 June 2024.
An intimate and dimensional journey to explore the many masterpieces on display and borrowed from the greatest museums in Europe. The most interesting section is dedicated to the studies for one of the Spanish master’s most famous works: Les Demoiselles d'Avignon from 1907, one of the most famous examples of Cubism, but above all a clear example of the intellectual, artistic and philosophical exploration that Picasso dedicated to the human figure and to the study of faces.
The exhibition will end with a number of contemporary African artifacts that draw inspiration from the work of the Spanish master.
“If you know exactly what you're going to do, what's the good in doing it?” Pablo Picasso
Opening image: Pablo Picasso; Nu dormant; 1954; Oil on canvas; Private collection © Succession Picasso, by SIAE 2024