Space has no defined characteristics or dimensions, it can be contained by a line, measured by the objects inside it, divided up into its components. In the idea of space is the idea of a continuum that presupposes the possibility of proceeding by partial additions.
A rationally organised layout allows every cubic centimetre of space to be exploited to the full. In this sense, modularity makes for meaningful exploration in design. The Superchair, by Ken Isaac who made the study of space a design philosophy, the Abitacolo by Bruno Munari a few years later, were based on the arrangement of modular units, keeping the design focussed on fulfilling its required functions, without indulging in the superfluous. Since the Sixties, a more visionary approach has been taken to the theme of modularity, pushing the boundaries and going beyond the modernist notion of a rigid system. Today, the infinite possibilities of manoeuvre allowed by a modular approach to design result in forms that are much more interesting than the systematic domino of the repeated form.