Hide & Seek

The Groninger Museum presents an exhibition entirely devoted to Maarten Baas, highlighting the dicotomy between intellect and feeling, nature and culture, freedom and limitations.

The Groninger Museum opened the first major Maarten Baas retrospect. “Hide & Seek” displays the biggest statements the Dutch designer has produced over the last decade, from the iconic pieces Smoke and Clay, to the much-celebrated Real Time. 

Maarten Baas, “Hide & Seek” exhibition at the Groninger Museum, 2017
Maarten Baas, “Hide & Seek” exhibition at the Groninger Museum, 2017
Maarten Baas, “Hide & Seek” exhibition at the Groninger Museum, 2017
Maarten Baas, “Hide & Seek” exhibition at the Groninger Museum, 2017
Maarten Baas, “Hide & Seek” exhibition at the Groninger Museum, 2017
Maarten Baas, “Hide & Seek” exhibition at the Groninger Museum, 2017
Maarten Baas, “Hide & Seek” exhibition at the Groninger Museum, 2017
Maarten Baas, “Hide & Seek” exhibition at the Groninger Museum, 2017

  According to Baas, structure only creates limitation. He quite literally plays the children’s game of hide and seek in the gaps, in the voids. At the museum is presented a body of work between intellect and feeling, between what we know and don’t know, between nature and culture, between freedom and limitations, between the truth and a lie. This is how he describes his approach: “If there were a trace-tracker of my career path you could look back to see that I sometimes zigzag and sometimes move straight ahead. Sometimes running, sometimes slow, sometimes on track and sometimes way off. I trust that my intuition is wiser than my head”. 

Maarten Baas, “Hide & Seek” exhibition at the Groninger Museum, 2017

The exhibition is a testament to the multifaceted Baas, someone who devotes himself to being both and neither an artist or designer. In addition to his famous classics, the designer is also putting new work on display. His theatrical approach to his exhibitions is visualised in eighteen videos specially made for Hide & Seek.

Maarten Baas, “Hide & Seek” exhibition at the Groninger Museum, 2017

until 24 September 2017
Maarten Baas. Hide & Seek
Groninger Museum
Museumeiland 1, Groninger
The Netherlands