“Madrid cultural history could be described looking at the transformations that younger generations have imposed. Nowadays the millenials have convinced us of the networking importance and the advantages of sharing. They are starting to transform Madrid once again and utopic_US is a project that is part of a coworking network that tries to become a main reference for this generation to transform Madrid, turning it into a capital of creative entrepreneurship”, the architects explain.

C:\Users\Guillermo\Documents\GUILLERMO\Izaskun Chinchilla\UTOPICUS\CONDE DE CASAL\planta\20160602_condedecasal_PLANTA Presentac
Izaskun Chinchilla, Utopic_US – Conde de Casal, ground floor
Utopic_US, Conde de Casal, Madrid, Spain
Program: coworking office
Architects: Izaskun Chinchilla Arquitect@s
Team: Adriana Cabello, Alejandro Espallargas, Guillermo Sánchez, Jesús Valer, Cristina Traba
Area: 900 sqm
Completion: 2016