
To strengthen real encounters in times of hyperconnectivity, TAAT created an interactive installation under the concept “theatre as architecture”. 

Mixing architecture and theatre, TAAT organized Hall05, an interactive theatre piece for two participants to explore body and space within the historical walls of the Sint-Niklaas church in Ghent. 

TAAT, Hall05, Sint Niklaas Church, Ghent, Belgium 2016
TAAT, Hall05, Sint Niklaas Church, Ghent, Belgium 2016
TAAT, Hall05, Sint Niklaas Church, Ghent, Belgium 2016
TAAT, Hall05, Sint Niklaas Church, Ghent, Belgium 2016
TAAT, Hall05, Sint Niklaas Church, Ghent, Belgium 2016
TAAT, Hall05, Sint Niklaas Church, Ghent, Belgium 2016
TAAT, Hall05, Sint Niklaas Church, Ghent, Belgium 2016
TAAT, Hall05, Sint Niklaas Church, Ghent, Belgium 2016

  The resulting installation and performance was made together with design students from the Royal Academy of The Hague, the Netherlads, and theatre students from the KASK School of Arts in Gent. Over a fourteen day period they collectively developed and built Hall05. Five pairs were made, each consisting of a theatre maker and an architect. Each pair designed and constructed a sequence of spaces or scenes, creating a storyboard. For each ‘show’, to people who were complete strangers to each other entered the installation to live a unique encounter experience.

TAAT, Hall05, Sint Niklaas Church, Ghent, Belgium 2016

For Hall05 students had to answer the questions on how can ‘touch’ shift our understanding of space and how can it be a medium for an encounter between people. TAAT is a collaboration between theatre maker Gert-Jan Stam and architect Breg Horemans. Together they research on ‘encounter’ and ‘being with’ other people as the core elements of theatre as an art practice, and on architecture as a script which choreographs our bodies and human encounters. 

TAAT, Hall05, Sint Niklaas Church, Ghent, Belgium 2016

Hall05, Ghent, Belgium
Concept: TAAT
Team: Ilona van den Brekel, Edwige Leblay, Bert-Jan Zoet, Gert-Jan Stam, Breg Horemans, Michiel Picarelle
KABK/KASK students: Eva Gonzalez, Goda Verikaite, Jaja Puapoomcharoen, Vittoria Colangelo, Cam Liu / Arne de Tremerie, Freek De Craecker, Tamara van Ijperen, Menzo Kircz, Sara-Maria Pirhonen 
Year: 2016