Dead Red Roses

Luzinterruptus protests against the political corruption that has changed the original nature of Spain’s socialist party, and organizes a metaphorical funeral.

Dead Red Roses is Luzinterruptus latest installation in Madrid, that celebrates the funeral of the PSOE (Spain’s socialist party), in a peaceful protest against what it has become over time.  

Luzinterruptus, Dead Roses, Madrid, 2016

In order to perform this ritual, they went to the street with lights and red roses in the direction of the party headquarters on Ferraz street. The memorial was set up at Parque del Oeste, the closest, most sheltered place it could be found. The installation is made up of 150 lighted crosses with their corresponding roses.

Luzinterruptus, Dead Roses, Madrid, 2016

At the end of the night the performance ended, leaving no trace rather than the memory. Passersby, policemen and homeless could take any piece they wanted with them, some understanding the protest, others not. 

Luzinterruptus, Dead Roses, Madrid, 2016
Luzinterruptus, Dead Roses, Madrid, 2016
Luzinterruptus, Dead Roses, Madrid, 2016
Luzinterruptus, Dead Roses, Madrid, 2016