Miso stool

Miso Soup Design studio created a modular cardboard stool, completely sustainable and recycable that can hold up to 100 kilos and can be customized by kids.

Miso Soup Design, Spiral Stool, 2015
Spiral Stool by Miso Soup Design has been awarded the Platinum Level of A’Design Award and exhibited at the MOOD Museum of Design in Como, Italy. Spiral is a piece of furniture that meets contemporary lifestyle and completely designed in a sustainable way, using cardboard.
Miso Soup Design, Spiral Stool, 2015
Miso Soup Design, Spiral Stool, 2015
The rotated squares on top and bottom create unique fractal elevation that reflects lights in different angles. The modular units can be also used to configure a small table, and it can be used both by adults and children that can paint on it. The eight pieces of cardboard sheets that connect with each other vertically can stand a weight up to 100 kilograms.
Miso Soup Design, Spiral Stool, 2015
Miso Soup Design, Spiral Stool, 2015

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