LPW 2015

International print workshop for letterpress, silkscreen and experimental typography, the Letterpress Workers will be held in Milan from June 3rd to 7th.

Presented by Officina Tipografica Novepunti, the Letterpress Workers is the first summit for letterpress designers worldwide. For four days a real creative, collective and collaborative lab will be open and visitable, giving anyone the chance to enter in touch with about 30 world-class letterpress professionals, along with silkscreen specialists, bookbinders and handcrafted paper producers.

The participants will work together on the same common topic, this year it’s about folk music and dances. Every professional will be the ambassador of his own culture, owner of his own local knowledge that will melt and mix with the others.

The Letterpress Workers International Summit 2015, June 3–7, Leoncavallo, Milan

Beside the hands-on activities, the agenda offers a cycle of talks for ink-lovers and newbies with focus on the state of the art of letterpress and its future. The integration with new technologies and the production of 3D-printed letters, as well as the situation of typographic design in Latin America are just some of the topics. The exhibition Borders will be visitable during the whole duration of the event: visitors will be able to see and experience the last year’s edition thanks to a huge collection of prints. Borders is also a book, the second by Letterpress Workers: not only a catalogue and an author’s limited edition collection of prints (sent by printers from all Europe), but a unidentified narrative object having the borders as main theme and the Mediterranean Sea as a common sharing space.

The Letterpress Workers International Summit 2015, June 3–7, Leoncavallo, Milan

This year’s participants:
BELGIQUE Armina Ghazaryan (typeand.press), Stéphane de Schevrel (functionmatters.com) DANEMARK Jens Horgen Hansen (letterpress.dk) FINLAND Edward Johansson (ahvaland.wordpress.com) GERMANY Marc Berger (schwarzdruck.de), Thomas Siemon (carpe-plumbum.de) ITALY Officina Tipografica Novepunti (novepunti.org), Serileo (serileo.blogspot.com), Marco Brunello (marcobrunello.com), Libri finti clandestini (librifinticlandestini.com), Lucio Passerini (ilbuontempo.it), &type (andtype.it) NETHERLAND Anne Marie Koper (intranslation.nl), Sander Pinkse (boekproductie.nl), Thomas Gravemaker (letterpressamsterdam.com), Tiny Risselada (letterpers.nl) ICELAND Olof Gardasdottir (letterpress.is) PORTUGAL Joao Mario Martinho (apmub.tumblr.com) UNITED KINGDOM Pete Burke (etsy.com/shop/mrBprints), John Cristopher (flowersandfleurons.com), Mark Pavey (deadmethods.com), Beatrice Bless + Richard Ardagh + Graham Bignell (newnorth.press.co.uk), Pat Randle (nomadletterpress.com), Nick Loaring (theprintproject.co.uk), Justin Knoop (typoretum.co.uk) SPAIN Arcangela Regis (laurenpress.net), Yago Bolivar (familiaplomez.com), Jesus Morentin (bunkertype.com), Christian Granados (christiangranados.com) ARGENTINA Federico Cimatti (prensalalibertad.com.ar) SWITZERLAND Dafi Khune (babyinktwice.ch)

The Letterpress Workers International Summit 2015, June 3-7, Leoncavallo, Milan
The Letterpress Workers International Summit 2015, June 3-7, Leoncavallo, Milan
The Letterpress Workers International Summit 2015, June 3-7, Leoncavallo, Milan
The Letterpress Workers International Summit 2015, June 3-7, Leoncavallo, Milan
The Letterpress Workers International Summit 2015, June 3-7, Leoncavallo, Milan
The Letterpress Workers International Summit 2015, June 3-7, Leoncavallo, Milan
The Letterpress Workers International Summit 2015, June 3-7, Leoncavallo, Milan
The Letterpress Workers International Summit 2015, June 3-7, Leoncavallo, Milan
The Letterpress Workers International Summit 2015, June 3-7, Leoncavallo, Milan
The Letterpress Workers International Summit 2015, June 3-7, Leoncavallo, Milan

June 3–7 2015
The Letterpress Workers International Summit 2015
Leoncavallo, via Watteau 7